Coding/Digital Media Literacy


Computers are an everyday part of modern society. Software systems allow us to communicate, calculate, create, design, learn and play. Through gaining an understanding of how these digital systems work students will build up a bank of knowledge for use in the creation of their own programs. Coding is a short course for the Junior Cycle which will give students an introduction into the fundamentals of the new Computer Science course that is being brought in for Senior Cycle.

National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) Coding - Course Overview

Coding- Expectations for Students Learning Outcomes

Coding - Assessment and Reporting

Students are thoroughly enjoying getting to grips with the various aspects of coding including writing and testing code through program, app, games, animations and website development.

So far, students have used HTML and Scratch coding. There has also been a successful link made with the Institute of Technology Tallaght, who are very kindly inviting our students to participate in workshops in their engineering department throughout the year. The introduction of Microbits which is a pocket sized codeable computer that can be used to control an LED display board is also an exciting venture the students can’t wait to start.

Digital Media Literacy (DML)

Creating and sharing media in a digital environment has become an increasingly important feature of how young people communicate and engage with each other and with the wider world. Young people are actively manipulating digital media to participate in social and cultural life, to pursue their interests and to express themselves online. Through studying this digital media literacy short course, students will learn to use digital technology to engage in self-directed enquiry, to discriminate between multiple sources of information and to participate safely and effectively in an online environment.

National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) DML- Course Overview

DML - Expectations for Students Learning Outcomes

Specification for the Junior Cycle

Guidelines For the Classroom Based Assessment

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Students coding in the engineering department of ITT

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Students creating webpages using HTML and CSS programming

07 2024
Wellbeing Week
11 2024
Inside Out Day
11 2024
End of week Celebration
11 2024
Flu Vaccinations
11 2024
Wholeschool Wellbeing Bingo
Griffeen Community College,
c/o Kishoge Community College,
Ninth Lock Road,
Co Dublin

01 621 2392

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