You can talk about your thoughts and feelings around the Corona virus, by contacting Childline for free:
- by calling 1800 66 66 66 (24 hours),
- chatting online at (10am - 4am daily) or
- texting to 50101 (10am - 4am daily).
Jigsaw Online
Reliable information and support. You can have questions answered by a professional and join group chats. For information on services:
One-to-one appointments will be conducted by phone during this period.
For information on group chats follow this link:
The Samaritans are a helpline and free listening service. You can speak with them directly by phoning:
· Phone: 116 123 (available 24 hours a day and free to call from Ireland)
Find more information on their website at:
Samaritans Ireland also offer
Or email service:
Pieta House
Pieta House have a dedicated page for services they are offering during this time:
A range of counselling services are available for people who feel suicidal, engage in self-harm or are bereaved by suicide.
They also operate a national freephone number.
Call 1800 247 247 or
text HELP to 51444
For information to help cope with a range of mental health issue the HSE website can be found here:
For other sources of urgenthelp for a mental health issue
HSE 24 hour mental health phone line:
Call 1800 742 444
Accident & Emergency
For immediate assistance, especially if someone is hurt or in danger call emergency services straight away. Emergency services can be contacted at any time by dialing 999 or 112.
Safe Ireland
Changing culture and transforming the response to domestic violence.
Mens Aid Ireland
Men’s Aid Ireland formerly known as Amen, is the only dedicated national service supporting men and their families experiencing Domestic Violence in Ireland: